LoveBrains  1.0.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NAppContains all the tools which compose the application
 CAppManage all the stuff in order to run the simulation
 CAppExceptionDefine the exception for the App class
 CConfigManagerManage the configuration of the simulator and the engines
 Cs_config_getterObject which manage parsing of the configuration file
 NGAContains the objects that define the GAEngine
 CAObservableDefine the abstract class that allow to be observable
 CAObserverDefine the abstract class that allow to be an observer
 CGAConfigDefine the configuration of the GAEngine
 CGAEngineManage the evolution of a population composed of IDNA objects
 CGAEngineExceptionDefine the exception that will be used by the GAEngine
 CIDNADefine the interface that will be used to create an supported individual for the GAEngine
 CIGeneratorDefine the interface that allow to define a new generator of individual for the GAEngine
 CPopulationDefine what is a population for the GAEngine
 CPopulationExceptionDefine the exception that will be used by the Population class
 NGANNContains all the objects that provide the management for the genetic algorithm with neural networks
 CANNDefine what is a neural network
 CANNExceptionDefine the exception that will be used by the GANN::ANN class
 CANNGeneratorDefine the generator of a neural network
 CANNLayerDefine a layer of a neural network
 CGANNDefine a new object called "GANN" for Genetic Artificial Neural Network that inherit of the interface IDNA
 CGANNEngineDefine the engine that will manage the population of GANN and the evolution
 CGANNExceptionDefine the exception that will be used by the GANNEngine class
 NGraphicsContains all the class that define the graphic environment
 CFactoryObjectsDefine a factory of objects that will fill the environment in term of the environment file
 CIBehaviorDefine a behavior for a collider
 CIBrainDefine the interface of an object that contains a neural network
 CIColliderDefine the interface for the collider object
 CIObjectDefine the interface of an object
 CISensorDefine the interface of a sensor
 CPhysicsDefine the physics engine used by the environment
 NJsonJSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
 CCharReaderBuilderBuild a CharReader implementation
 CCommentStyleScoped enums are not available until C++11
 CFastWriterOutputs a Value in JSON format without formatting (not human friendly)
 CFeaturesConfiguration passed to reader and writer. This configuration object can be used to force the Reader or Writer to behave in a standard conforming way
 CPathExperimental and untested: represents a "path" to access a node
 CPathArgumentExperimental and untested: represents an element of the "path" to access a node
 CReaderUnserialize a JSON document into a Value
 CStructuredErrorAn error tagged with where in the JSON text it was encountered
 CStaticStringLightweight wrapper to tag static string
 CFactoryA simple abstract factory
 CStreamWriterBuilderBuild a StreamWriter implementation
 CStyledStreamWriterWrites a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way, to a stream rather than to a string
 CStyledWriterWrites a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way
 CValueRepresents a JSON value
 CValueConstIteratorConst iterator for object and array value
 CValueIteratorIterator for object and array value
 CValueIteratorBaseBase class for Value iterators
 CWriterAbstract class for writers
 NPluginContains all the objects and the interfaces of the plugin management
 CIPluginDefine the plugin interface in order to add some stuff to LoveBrains. Mandatory name for the PluginCreator function : "CreatePlugin" !
 CPluginExceptionDefine the exception used by the PluginManager class
 CPluginManagerManage the plugins loading
 NSimulatorContains objects that manage the simulation
 CSConfigManage the configuration of the simulator
 CSimulatorContains all the objects in order to run the simulation
 CSimulatorExceptionDefine the exception used by the Simulator class
 CEnvironmentDefine the graphic environment that will contain the objects defined by plugins