CGANN::ANN | Define what is a neural network |
CGANN::ANNLayer | Define a layer of a neural network |
▼CGA::AObservable | Define the abstract class that allow to be observable |
CGraphics::Environment2D | |
▼CGA::AObserver | Define the abstract class that allow to be an observer |
CGA::GAEngine | Manage the evolution of a population composed of IDNA objects |
CGA::GAEngine | Manage the evolution of a population composed of IDNA objects |
CApp::App | Manage all the stuff in order to run the simulation |
▼CJson::CharReader | |
CJson::OurCharReader | |
CJson::CommentStyle | Scoped enums are not available until C++11 |
CApp::ConfigManager | Manage the configuration of the simulator and the engines |
▼CDrawable | |
▼CGraphics::IObject | Define the interface of an object |
CGraphics::IBrain | Define the interface of an object that contains a neural network |
CEnvironment | Define the graphic environment that will contain the objects defined by plugins |
▼Cexception | |
CApp::AppException | Define the exception for the App class |
CGA::GAEngineException | Define the exception that will be used by the GAEngine |
CGA::GAEngineException | Define the exception that will be used by the GAEngine |
CGA::PopulationException | Define the exception that will be used by the Population class |
CGA::PopulationException | Define the exception that will be used by the Population class |
CGANN::ANNException | Define the exception that will be used by the GANN::ANN class |
CGANN::ANNException | Define the exception that will be used by the GANN::ANN class |
CGANN::GANNException | Define the exception that will be used by the GANNEngine class |
CGANN::GANNException | Define the exception that will be used by the GANNEngine class |
▼CJson::Exception | |
CJson::LogicError | |
CJson::LogicError | |
CJson::RuntimeError | |
CJson::RuntimeError | |
CJson::Exception | |
CPlugin::PluginException | Define the exception used by the PluginManager class |
CSimulator::SimulatorException | Define the exception used by the Simulator class |
▼CJson::CharReader::Factory | |
CJson::CharReaderBuilder | Build a CharReader implementation |
CJson::CharReaderBuilder | Build a CharReader implementation |
▼CJson::StreamWriter::Factory | A simple abstract factory |
CJson::StreamWriterBuilder | Build a StreamWriter implementation |
CJson::StreamWriterBuilder | Build a StreamWriter implementation |
CGraphics::FactoryObjects | Define a factory of objects that will fill the environment in term of the environment file |
CJson::Features | Configuration passed to reader and writer. This configuration object can be used to force the Reader or Writer to behave in a standard conforming way |
CGA::GAConfig | Define the configuration of the GAEngine |
CGANN::GANNEngine | Define the engine that will manage the population of GANN and the evolution |
CGraphics::IBehavior | Define a behavior for a collider |
CGraphics::ICollider | Define the interface for the collider object |
▼CGA::IDNA | Define the interface that will be used to create an supported individual for the GAEngine |
CGANN::GANN | Define a new object called "GANN" for Genetic Artificial Neural Network that inherit of the interface IDNA |
CGANN::GANN | Define a new object called "GANN" for Genetic Artificial Neural Network that inherit of the interface IDNA |
▼CGA::IGenerator | Define the interface that allow to define a new generator of individual for the GAEngine |
CGANN::ANNGenerator | Define the generator of a neural network |
CGANN::ANNGenerator | Define the generator of a neural network |
CPlugin::IPlugin | Define the plugin interface in order to add some stuff to LoveBrains. Mandatory name for the PluginCreator function : "CreatePlugin" ! |
CGraphics::ISensor | Define the interface of a sensor |
CGANN::Matrix< T > | |
CGANN::Matrix< double > | |
CJson::OurFeatures | |
CJson::OurReader | |
CJson::Path | Experimental and untested: represents a "path" to access a node |
CJson::PathArgument | Experimental and untested: represents an element of the "path" to access a node |
CGraphics::Physics | Define the physics engine used by the environment |
CPlugin::PluginManager | Manage the plugins loading |
CGA::Population | Define what is a population for the GAEngine |
CJson::Reader | Unserialize a JSON document into a Value |
CApp::s_config_getter | Object which manage parsing of the configuration file |
CSimulator::SConfig | Manage the configuration of the simulator |
CSimulator::Simulator | Contains all the objects in order to run the simulation |
CJson::StaticString | Lightweight wrapper to tag static string |
▼CJson::StreamWriter | |
CJson::BuiltStyledStreamWriter | |
CJson::Reader::StructuredError | An error tagged with where in the JSON text it was encountered |
CJson::OurReader::StructuredError | |
CJson::StyledStreamWriter | Writes a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way, to a stream rather than to a string |
CJson::Value | Represents a JSON value |
▼CJson::ValueIteratorBase | Base class for Value iterators |
CJson::ValueConstIterator | Const iterator for object and array value |
CJson::ValueConstIterator | Const iterator for object and array value |
CJson::ValueIterator | Iterator for object and array value |
CJson::ValueIterator | Iterator for object and array value |
▼CJson::Writer | Abstract class for writers |
CJson::FastWriter | Outputs a Value in JSON format without formatting (not human friendly) |
CJson::FastWriter | Outputs a Value in JSON format without formatting (not human friendly) |
CJson::StyledWriter | Writes a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way |
CJson::StyledWriter | Writes a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way |