LoveBrains  1.0.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CGANN::ANNDefine what is a neural network
 CGANN::ANNLayerDefine a layer of a neural network
 CGA::AObservableDefine the abstract class that allow to be observable
 CGA::AObserverDefine the abstract class that allow to be an observer
 CGA::GAEngineManage the evolution of a population composed of IDNA objects
 CGA::GAEngineManage the evolution of a population composed of IDNA objects
 CApp::AppManage all the stuff in order to run the simulation
 CJson::CommentStyleScoped enums are not available until C++11
 CApp::ConfigManagerManage the configuration of the simulator and the engines
 CGraphics::IObjectDefine the interface of an object
 CGraphics::IBrainDefine the interface of an object that contains a neural network
 CEnvironmentDefine the graphic environment that will contain the objects defined by plugins
 CApp::AppExceptionDefine the exception for the App class
 CGA::GAEngineExceptionDefine the exception that will be used by the GAEngine
 CGA::GAEngineExceptionDefine the exception that will be used by the GAEngine
 CGA::PopulationExceptionDefine the exception that will be used by the Population class
 CGA::PopulationExceptionDefine the exception that will be used by the Population class
 CGANN::ANNExceptionDefine the exception that will be used by the GANN::ANN class
 CGANN::ANNExceptionDefine the exception that will be used by the GANN::ANN class
 CGANN::GANNExceptionDefine the exception that will be used by the GANNEngine class
 CGANN::GANNExceptionDefine the exception that will be used by the GANNEngine class
 CPlugin::PluginExceptionDefine the exception used by the PluginManager class
 CSimulator::SimulatorExceptionDefine the exception used by the Simulator class
 CJson::CharReaderBuilderBuild a CharReader implementation
 CJson::CharReaderBuilderBuild a CharReader implementation
 CJson::StreamWriter::FactoryA simple abstract factory
 CJson::StreamWriterBuilderBuild a StreamWriter implementation
 CJson::StreamWriterBuilderBuild a StreamWriter implementation
 CGraphics::FactoryObjectsDefine a factory of objects that will fill the environment in term of the environment file
 CJson::FeaturesConfiguration passed to reader and writer. This configuration object can be used to force the Reader or Writer to behave in a standard conforming way
 CGA::GAConfigDefine the configuration of the GAEngine
 CGANN::GANNEngineDefine the engine that will manage the population of GANN and the evolution
 CGraphics::IBehaviorDefine a behavior for a collider
 CGraphics::IColliderDefine the interface for the collider object
 CGA::IDNADefine the interface that will be used to create an supported individual for the GAEngine
 CGANN::GANNDefine a new object called "GANN" for Genetic Artificial Neural Network that inherit of the interface IDNA
 CGANN::GANNDefine a new object called "GANN" for Genetic Artificial Neural Network that inherit of the interface IDNA
 CGA::IGeneratorDefine the interface that allow to define a new generator of individual for the GAEngine
 CGANN::ANNGeneratorDefine the generator of a neural network
 CGANN::ANNGeneratorDefine the generator of a neural network
 CPlugin::IPluginDefine the plugin interface in order to add some stuff to LoveBrains. Mandatory name for the PluginCreator function : "CreatePlugin" !
 CGraphics::ISensorDefine the interface of a sensor
 CGANN::Matrix< T >
 CGANN::Matrix< double >
 CJson::PathExperimental and untested: represents a "path" to access a node
 CJson::PathArgumentExperimental and untested: represents an element of the "path" to access a node
 CGraphics::PhysicsDefine the physics engine used by the environment
 CPlugin::PluginManagerManage the plugins loading
 CGA::PopulationDefine what is a population for the GAEngine
 CJson::ReaderUnserialize a JSON document into a Value
 CApp::s_config_getterObject which manage parsing of the configuration file
 CSimulator::SConfigManage the configuration of the simulator
 CSimulator::SimulatorContains all the objects in order to run the simulation
 CJson::StaticStringLightweight wrapper to tag static string
 CJson::Reader::StructuredErrorAn error tagged with where in the JSON text it was encountered
 CJson::StyledStreamWriterWrites a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way, to a stream rather than to a string
 CJson::ValueRepresents a JSON value
 CJson::ValueIteratorBaseBase class for Value iterators
 CJson::ValueConstIteratorConst iterator for object and array value
 CJson::ValueConstIteratorConst iterator for object and array value
 CJson::ValueIteratorIterator for object and array value
 CJson::ValueIteratorIterator for object and array value
 CJson::WriterAbstract class for writers
 CJson::FastWriterOutputs a Value in JSON format without formatting (not human friendly)
 CJson::FastWriterOutputs a Value in JSON format without formatting (not human friendly)
 CJson::StyledWriterWrites a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way
 CJson::StyledWriterWrites a Value in JSON format in a human friendly way